Hey ! Many people around us very busy they have too many works and memory of man is limited hence they forget if overload . Some people do very hard work so they forget useful events meetings and like this . Google Calender is the best place for all the person to mange their tasks and sheduling their so that they not forget given task.But some times when we are not on net then you can not use Google calender simply for that difficulty there is a solution of that problem to configure Google calender for phone notification so that no events miss by me.
configuring Google calender for phone notification
Here is the step by step tutorial of adding your phone to Google calender
Now click on gear option on the top right corner and select setting
Now click on mobile setup tab
Select Country, enter your Phone number and now click Send Verification Code. Now enter the code you got on your mobile and verify your number. If you don’t receive the code check if your carriers fall under supported mobile providers.
Now in Notifications select SMS as your default notification channel and save it.(for this go to calenders tab and select reminders and notification)
Congrats! you have enable the phone notification for all events of Google calender.If have any problem please comment below